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Superiron with acerola cherry 60 mg, 70 tablets
Iron with acerola cherry 30 mg, 70 tablets
Iron syrup for children with orange, pear and nettle from 6 months, 250 ml, 25 mg/10 ml
B12-drops for babies and children, methylcobalamin MecobalActive®, 100 µg, 10 ml
D3-drops for babies with olive oil, 440 IU/11 μg, 10 ml
D3-drops with Estonian sea buckthorn oil, 1200 IU/30 μg, 10 ml
D3-drops with Estonian sea buckthorn oil, 4000 IU/100 μg, 10 ml
Children´s combo: 1200 IU and B12-drops
Babies´ combo: 440 IU and B12-drops
D3-drops family combo 1: 440 IU and 1200 IU
D3-drops family combo 3: 1200 IU and 4000 IU
D3-drops family combo 2: 440 IU and 4000 IU
Pregnancy combo: Superiron 60 mg and D3-drops for babies with olive oil 440 IU/11 μg, 10 ml
Baby on the way 9 MONTHS combo: 2 x Iron, 2 x Superiron & D3-drops for babies 440 IU/11 μg, 10 ml
Children´s combo 2: Iron syrup for children with orange, pear and nettle, 250 ml, 25 mg/10 ml and D3-drops for babies with olive oil, 440 IU/11 μg, 10 ml
B12-drops, family, methylcobalamin MecobalActive®, 500 µg, 10 ml
Kodumaine raua asjatundja aastast 2018 Eesti kõrvenõgese ekstraktil põhinev looduskosmeetika
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