Folate, i.e. vitamin B9, is a water-soluble vitamin. Bioactive folate is already in the final form that is easily absorbed.


Vitamin D is an oil-soluble vitamin known as sun vitamin. Nôgel selection includes 3 different D3-drops.


Vitamin B12 is water-soluble vitamin but compared to other water-soluble vitamins, our bodies have vitamin B12 stores.


Magnesium takes part in more than 300 metabolic processes. An adult body has about 25 g of magnesium.


An adult woman has about 1000 g and man 1200 g of calcium in their bodies. Vitamin K2 plays an important role in bone health.


PROBIO-TEC™ includes clinically tested and patented famous LGG™ and BB-12™ probiotics. Product is suitable from infants to elderly.

PROBIO-TEC™ probiotics